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Chosen leadership Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded to inspire communities to get back to focusing on family, physical fitness and education. Our life-enhancing programs create unlimited opportunities for youth and families.

There is a lack of resources that provide exposure for all demographics and genders of at-risk populations and a host of programs that claim to be a solution, yet are not adequately serving underprivileged and diverse populations. We strive to create authentically-engaging, exposure-filled academic and extra-curricular programming targeting and attracting youth..

Chosen Leadership Academy programs are designed to provide opportunities that decrease gaps (academic and social), target social-emotional needs, develop character and moral value, and offer highly engaging paths of experiential learning. According to Becker and Luthar (2002),there is a need for attention focused specifically on particular developmental needs of youth during the transitional periods. Research shows that children that have access to reliable resources (e.g., social support, positive attitudes about school) during elementary to middle school are better prepared for a successful school transition than students that lack those resources, students aged from 6-14. This age group is targeted since this is the developmental level that is influenced the most.

Our after-school program will demonstrate growth in the areas of social-emotional health (measured by Panorama) and decrease in recidivism rates of the students enrolled that are referred by CMS's leadership team of staff and teachers.

Our community partnership is inclusive of experienced mentors and educational experts that have many collective years of experience with adolescents of diverse backgrounds.

Tyris Rorie

Sponsor Our Teams

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Based on sponsorship level, we'll feature your business on our football, track or cheerleading uniforms, website and social media.

Sponsorship Levels:

  • Official - $6000

  • Platinum - $4,000

  • Gold - $2,000